Fifty-six per cent of Australian adults are either inactive or do not perform enough physical activity. The Department of Health recommends 150 minutes of moderate physical activity each week, but many Australians find it challenging to reach this target.

backyard cabin

Whether you have a hectic schedule or prefer to stay at home, it’s easy to miss the required physical activity levels. Add the emotional toll of going to the gym, expensive membership fees and the time spent getting there and back. A cabin dedicated to physical activity eliminates these challenges.

If you are determined to be more active and sculpt your body this year (and for the rest of your life), investing in a cabin studio for a gym will encourage you to reach your fitness goals.

Exercise in Complete Privacy

For some people, going to a gym sparks feelings of embarrassment or fear of judgement, especially if they’re new to workout regimens and gym equipment.

Well-constructed backyard cabin sheds enable you to work out in peace and in the comfort of your own space. They offer complete privacy — no prying eyes, intruders or distractions. You can follow a workout routine that suits you, without the feeling of self-consciousness when in a gym. A private, comfortable space of your own to keep you motivated.

And because you are in your own space, you can play the type of workout music you want as loud as you wish. Even better, you don’t have to wait for someone to finish using a piece of gym equipment.

Convenient and Efficient

Imagine not having to drive to the gym; you put on your workout clothes, grab a water bottle and within a minute or two, you arrive at your backyard gym. It is a convenient solution for people with busy schedules. You can focus on work and not worry about the gym closing its doors on you.

Your backyard gym, after all, is open 24 hours. You can do your exercises whenever it is convenient for you, and don’t have to manage your schedule around the gym’s opening hours.

You can now devote more time for physical activity with a cabin-turned-gym in your yard.


In 2018, the average yearly gym membership was about $1,148. Multiply that by the members of the household who hold membership, and you have quite a hefty amount.

In contrast, investing in a backyard cabin is more cost-effective. A home gym will last a lifetime, and it can be used by everyone in the family. You can customise it as your needs change, too, so you do not have to change memberships every time you alter your workout routine.  

Tailored to Your Workout Routine

You can add features that would make sessions more efficient and entertaining, such as TVs or speakers. You can also install a small bathroom to make the space more functional.

A backyard cabin also enables you to choose equipment according to your workout needs. Furnish it with cardio equipment, free weights, boxing gear and more. If you are a yoga enthusiast, you can turn the entire space into a serene yoga studio. If you are into martial arts, you can turn the yard room into a martial arts arena.

A backyard cabin eliminates all the hindrances for you to get trim at a fitness centre. With a home gym, you are ready to be the most active version of yourself.

Work with Classic Cabins to build a studio unit suited to your needs. Our backyard cabin kits feature modern designs that integrate seamlessly with your home. Call or email us today.

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